速報APP / 娛樂 / Lakes Como and Lugano trails

Lakes Como and Lugano trails



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Lakes Como and Lugano trails(圖1)-速報App

TourALP, Bike & Hiking routes between lakes Como and Lugano

Thanks to its particular shape characterized by gentle mountain ranges overlooking beautiful lake views, this area has a long tradition of tourists who love trekking and beautiful walks.

The selection of routes is varied and well suited to every need: hikers, cyclists, families, seniors, lovers of art and culture.

Lakes Como and Lugano trails(圖2)-速報App

This APP wants to be a valuable and simple support to tourists that visit this border area, especially focusing on the following themes:

- Cross-border cultural routes: "The iron route", "The Streets of San Carlo Borromeo" and "The Art of the Masters of the Lakes";

- Educational nature paths : "The conca of Schignano" and the route in the oasis of wildlife/botanical garden of Caglio;

Lakes Como and Lugano trails(圖3)-速報App

- Biking excursion: an entire section dedicated to the long-distance cycle routes (from Porlezza to Menaggio, to Valtellina, from Bellagio along the lariana ridge) as well as to the trails for mountain biking;

- Trekking: a window on the main tracks such as Trail of the Lariani Mountains, Trail of the 4 Valley, High Lario Path and Ancient Via Regina;

- Urban hiking: fitness trails and itineraries easy to follow, also accessible to visually impaired people;

Lakes Como and Lugano trails(圖4)-速報App

The whole offer will be peppered with useful information on the natural and cultural heritage as well as on points where to eat and sleep!

Lakes Como and Lugano trails(圖5)-速報App
